



We offer a variety of certification and degree programs offered in clusters, 校园, 在线, blended formats at many locations throughout the region to help you gain your degree but keep your life.



Dr. 马克一分钱欢迎来到新学年! 作为教育与公共服务学院的临时院长, 我很高兴你能加入我们充满活力的学习者社区. Whether you’re a first-year student embarking on this exciting journey or a returning student continuing your educational path, 我想向你保证,我们致力于你的成功.

Our 教师 members are dedicated educators who bring their expertise and passion to the classroom. They will challenge you, inspire you, guide you as you explore your chosen field of study. 利用他们的办公时间, 参与讨论, seek their mentorship—it’s an invaluable part of your academic experience.

Beyond academics, we offer a rich array of extracurricular activities, clubs, organizations. These opportunities allow you to connect with peers who share your 利益, 培养领导能力, 创造永恒的记忆. 无论你是否热爱艺术, 科学, 体育, 或者社区服务, 这里有适合每个人的东西.

记住,学习不仅仅局限于课堂. 拥抱多样性,保持好奇心,敞开心扉接受新观点. 寻找实习机会, 研究项目, study abroad programs—they will broaden your horizons and shape your future.

当你踏上这段旅程时,要知道你并不孤单. 我们的工作人员、顾问和同学都在这里支持你. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you need assistance or simply want to chat. 我们是一个紧密团结的社区,团结起来,我们将茁壮成长.

Here’s to a year filled with growth, discovery, meaningful connections. 欢迎来到我们的学术大家庭!

Dr. 马克年代. 一分钱



The 教育与公共服务学院 offers premier programs to prepare highly regarded and global-minded professionals who make 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 the esteemed choice for students and employers.


The 任务 of the 教育与公共服务学院 at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 is to provide an experiential education of exceptional quality which prepares students to successfully lead and serve as professionals in a 多样化的 society. 


  • Educated in the theory and research-based practices of their content field from a global perspective.
  • Able to demonstrate best practices in pedagogy and adult learning / andragogy.
  • 有爱心的专业人士,纪律严明,以他人为中心. They are skilled in communication and collaboration with 多样化的 learners, 的同事们, 社区, 以及其他利益相关者.
  • Lifelong learners who pursue ongoing professional development in order to respond to the changing needs of their educational context.

The 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 教育与公共服务学院 is committed to an open, 多样化的, inclusive learning environment that nurtures the growth and development of all regardless of race, 社会经济地位, 性别, 语言, 宗教, 或者性别认同. The 教育与公共服务学院 believes learning is enriched by diversity of values, 利益, 经历, intellectual and cultural viewpoints and strives to promote and support a 多样化的 and inclusive learning 社区 of mutual respect, 这包含了所有学生的参与, 教师, 和社区.

In the 教育与公共服务学院 we believe teaching is a blend of art and 科学. 我们的课程结合了实际应用和理论, with an emphasis on exposure to authentic environments early and often. 另外, our students and graduates alike have had opportunities to listen and interact with renowned education leaders such as Dr. 坦普尔·格兰丁博士. 罗伯特·马尔扎诺,举几个例子.


Our highly credentialed and experienced education 教师 bring both academic and real world professional achievement to the classroom. They collaborate with 的同事们 from many school and 社区 partnerships to deliver outstanding innovative learning opportunities for all of our education students at every level of experience.

Our small class sizes support the building of relationships that augment the development of our students into lifelong learners who excel in the pursuit of knowledge to enhance personal and professional development in order to make a difference. 我们的教师提供和提供智慧, 个性化的, 互动, 并在学生毕业前后给予广泛的指导.


提供的学位包括 文学学士, 社会工作学士, 文学硕士, 教育专家, 教育学博士学位. 我们还提供在线硕士和证书课程.

无论你是本科生还是经验丰富的教师, we invite you to explore the variety of pathways to begin or further your education toward training, 获取证书, 和/或研究.

Learn more about what our school has to offer by contacting the Advising, 保留和认证中心,电话:(636)949-4377.


Dr. 亚历克斯·特里帕默加入教育与人类服务学院

澳门威尼斯人平台官网's 教育与公共服务学院 introduces one new 教师 member for the 2024-25 academic year.



澳门威尼斯人平台官网’s 教育与公共服务学院 has earned special attention for its undergraduate program in education. 认识到...


贝利舒梅克收到著名的理查德S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖

澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student Bailey Shumaker received the prestigious Richard S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖 for Missouri, which recognizes those working...


Trip of a Lifetime: Lindenwood’s Jack Gietl Awarded Gilman Scholarship

澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student Jack Gietl was recently awarded the prestigious Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金,奖励他的留学经历...



澳门威尼斯人平台官网’s 教育与公共服务学院 is partnering with QASPIR, 一个全球性的组织,帮助学校和机构解锁...



Two 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 alumnae received 2023-24 Missouri Milken Educator Awards in November. 利亚·劳伦斯和梅根·门切拉被授予...


Dr. 亚历克斯·特里帕默加入教育与人类服务学院

澳门威尼斯人平台官网's 教育与公共服务学院 introduces one new 教师 member for the 2024-25 academic year.



澳门威尼斯人平台官网’s 教育与公共服务学院 has earned special attention for its undergraduate program in education. 认识到...


贝利舒梅克收到著名的理查德S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖

澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student Bailey Shumaker received the prestigious Richard S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖 for Missouri, which recognizes those working...


Trip of a Lifetime: Lindenwood’s Jack Gietl Awarded Gilman Scholarship

澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student Bailey Shumaker received the prestigious Richard S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖 for Missouri, which recognizes those working...



澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student Bailey Shumaker received the prestigious Richard S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖 for Missouri, which recognizes those working...



澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student Bailey Shumaker received the prestigious Richard S. 和妮尔·达布尼优异奖 for Missouri, which recognizes those working...

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